Reading this blog, it must seem like "I don't know" is my favourite phrase. I wish I was one of those decisive people. I'd love to answer questions in a way that made people feel like they were even a tiny bit closer to me. I want to be not so indifferent, I guess.
I studied Photography in college. I must have taken thousands of photographs by now, developed hundreds. Even though I haven't processed film in months, sometimes I think the smell of the chemicals still lingers on me.
What I am saying is, there are so many photographs that have made me happy. The walls of my bedroom are covered in images that have appealed to me. Scattered on my floor, lie more. I must be as nostalgic as they come. I've often found myself tracing my finger over a face in a photograph and trying to remember how the skin felt under my fingertips at that moment.
I suppose the photographs that mean the most to me are those taken of the people I love, the people I have loved in the past. I think that must be the way with everyone.
Once again, I'm guilty of dancing around the question and giving no straight answers. Here are some photographs that would make me smile :

My very wonderful bestie, Darragh. Words cannot express how much this guy means to me. He has been there for me, no matter what, and that is really saying something because there are (a lot of!) times when I'm not the easiest person to be around. <3
This little beauty, my friend Ellens daughter. I took this photograph one day when myself and the wee lady went for a drive. This is her sitting in the back of my car when we were taking a break. She brightens up the dullest of days. I love colouring with her, watching cartoons, making porridge and cuddles. I don't think she will ever cease to amaze me. She is perfect.

My girl bestie, Katie. I lived with Katie for a year and we've still managed to remain friends so I suppose that sums it up! I share my Kinder bars with her, it must be true love.